Skills + Employment

Raising aspirations and meeting needs in our community

The unemployment rate in K+C compared to the London and national averages is nearly 50% higher

Trust for London 2021

Unemployment rates in K+C were already higher than average before the pandemic hit in March 2020.  Unfortunately, as a community heavily reliant on employment in the hospitality sector, the successive lockdowns hit our residents hard.  1 in 5 adults who were employed pre-Covid-19 are now unemployed or on furlough. 

The resulting financial hardship was evidenced at food banks across the borough, with many reporting their demand doubling and some even tripling.

As young people felt particularly bleak about their employment prospects, we were delighted to be able to continue our partnership with the Spear programme to fund 4 employability courses reaching 64 residents age 16-24. The courses have real and tangible impact on the trainees, many of whom face complex and multiple barriers to employment.

Our impact

Skills and employment impact stats

What I have taken away from Spear cannot really be put into words but I will do my best. I have taken away just how important and constructive it can be when you're being supported and encouraged by others who actually believe in you, genuinely feeling that you have the potential to do more.

Jenner, Spear programme participant, 2019