Bringing the community together
Isolation + Loneliness
75% of mental health conditions are established by the age of 24
Mental Health and Wellbeing, JSNA, K+C 2019
Loneliness can be corrosive, having devastating effects on people’s mental and physical health. It can damage the immune system, increase the risk of having a stroke or coronary artery disease by 30%, and even lead to premature death. This is especially important in K+C, where we have the highest rate of one-person households in the country (2011 census) and a high rate of one-person pensioner households.
Our Isolation + Loneliness programme celebrates our diverse community and provides meaningful engagement to those who might otherwise struggle to connect with their neighbours. We support a range of innovative projects run by local partners and together have made make a positive impact on over 7142 isolated people this year by connecting them with other residents, social activities and support services.
Our impact in 2020/2021
Raising funds for our Isolation + Loneliness projects is a key priority. We are keen to talk to supporters interested in donating to this campaign to address urgent local needs and have a positive impact on the community.
- £5,000 could support a weekly, multi-generational arts and activity group for 40 local residents at risk of isolation for 20 weeks
- £8,000 could support a one to one mentoring programme for 25 refugees, providing emotional and practical support for a year
- £20,000 could support a one year holistic well-being programme for vulnerable women reducing their isolation and improving confidence and self-esteem
With your help the projects we supported last year had a positive impact on over 7,142 isolated people