Grenfell Ventoring programme - funded through the Community Investment Programme

This project provides mentoring and support to boys and young men in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire

The Grenfell Ventoring programme was set up by Future Men in September 2017 to provide specific support to boys and young men in North Kensington in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire.  Future Men are a specialist charity that supports positive male involvement, engagement and activity, whilst also addressing the stereotypes around masculinity and engaging in the wider conversation of what it means to be a man. 

Ventoring is a comprehensive programme which addresses the needs of young men aged 13 to 25. Through street-based, outreach work project coordinators engage with young men that are often hard to reach.  These young men are initially given space to 'vent' and time is taken to build trust before the mentoring and coaching relationship begins.  The project coordinators then work with the young men to help them think differently, particularly around reluctance to engage with specialist services, and provide them with support to develop positive connections and social networks.  The ultimate aim is to empower these young men to seek a life with positive choices, and to inspire them to become dynamic future men.

There was a particular need for this support after the fire as some young men would not engage with the support and counselling services being offered.  Long term there was a concern that they would suffer the effects of trauma, albeit at a later date.  Building these relationships through the Ventoring programme has led to these young men now accessing alternative counselling sessions, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to deal with their trauma.

This programme is run by a project coordinator with extensive experience in this field and strong relationships with the young people in North Kensington.  The Grenfell Tower Fund will contribute towards this role for the next three years. 

Amount awarded: £10,000 for the next three years.

" saved my life, thank you for all your help...”

ER, a young man supported through the Ventoring programme

ER’s story

ER was referred o the Ventoring programme by a local youth worker.  Following two arrests for drugs and weapons possession he was allocated a social worker and put on the Serious Youth Violence register. ER was also smoking cannabis frequently. 

ER had previously had some engagement with the Ventoring programme but started to attend regular 121 sessions where he and his project coordinator focused on the underlying issues affecting his behaviour and decisions.  To help manage the situation and avoid further difficulties and police intervention, the project coordinator was able to encourage ER to engage with other services who could provide appropriate guidance and support.

Part of the remit of the Ventoring programme is to support and help repair relationships.  ER was always in conflict with his mother due to his behaviour and poor attitude. The project coordinator worked with ER to help him understand and take responsibility for the role he played in this relationship.

After addressing some of the issues, ER decided that he wanted to join a military school. ER felt that was the only way to get control of his life and remove himself from the bad habits and peer pressure of London.


  • ER is now drug-free
  • ER has been accepted by the British Military School and is waiting for a start date
  • ER passed and beat his fitness test for entry into Military School
  • ER passed all medical checks for Military School entry
  • ER enjoys a much better relationship with his mother 
  • ER now has a current passport