GO Inspire - an Organisation Champions project
The Go Inspire Girls project was very popular and over subscribed. At least 85% of the beneficiaries reported that it had made a big difference in their lives
The Organisation Champion grant was awarded to Baraka to inspire girls from the Somali, Muslim and BAME communities who were affected either directly or indirectly by the disastrous Grenfell Tower fire to engage in physical and sporting activities. A 24 week programme is offered twice a year where the girls benefit from weekly sessions of yoga, cycling, tennis, hockey, canoeing and group walks. The girls are also offered the opportunity to attend women only games and receive advice from women mentors from the sporting industry.
2 of the young women, aged 17 and 16, who completed the sports training were so motivated that they are now being trained by the Kensington Leisure Centre to become a swimming instructor and lifeguard.